Waste Management, Inc.

Main Anti-WMI Online Resources | Local Anti-WMI Battles Online | Anti-WMI Bibliography | Other Corporate Dirt on WMI | Business and Corporate Online Resources on WMI

Main Anti-WMI Online Resources

Local Battles Against WMI Companies

Other Publications Exposing WMI

Re: Wheelabrator's 1,500 tpd MSW incinerator in Saugus, Mass.

"...they had an acute problem with their electrostatic precipitators, and they literally had to run the plant based on the direction of the wind. In other words, if it was blowing inland, then they had to reduce the load. If it was blowing out to sea, then they could run it to design."

--testimony of Joseph W. McCarthy, Resource Recovery Manager, Metcalf & Eddy

Other Corporate Dirt on WMI

Co-optation, Infiltration & Front Groups

Background on key players in WMI

WMI's nefarious connections:

Business and Corporate Online Resources on WMI

Business-related websites providing corporate background information

Links to WMI websites:

Main Anti-WMI Online Resources | Local Anti-WMI Battles Online | Anti-WMI Bibliography | Other Corporate Dirt on WMI | Business and Corporate Online Resources on WMI

Return to the Corporate Accountability Project

Last modified: 18 May 2002
