Researching Corporations
When researching a corporations you're fighting, you'll want to get familiar with the parts of the Internet that will be most helpful to you. Here are a few good places to start.
- Visit the Corporate Dirt Archives page and visit the websites of the existing directories listed at the top of the page.
- See what the the Company's own website and other pro-corporation sites say about the company you're researching. You can look up corporate information through Yahoo's Finance Research Center.
- After you've exhausted what you can find on those sites, use the following links to find out specific things about the corporation you're researching:
- For more resources on corporate research, visit Corporate Watch's Guide to Researching Corporations.
Another site that might be useful is the Public Information Network.
Then, use a good search engine to locate other online resources about the corporation.
- Here two books that might help:
As a last resort, there are organizations that will research a corporation for you if you pay them to do so:
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Last modified: 7 November 2004